?Relationships? Pt. 2
I was in the shower this morning thinking about men and women (sounds nasty doesn't it?). The differences between us are so huge how does anyone ever have a successful relationship? Doesn't it seem like what women want are in direct contradiction to what men want? I'm a woman, which doesn't automatically make me a feminist, but I am a feminist. Some people think being a feminist means taking the woman's side no matter what. I don't take anyone’s side no matter what. I feel like sometimes we give ourselves a bad name. I'm including myself in that statement too. I have no delusions of superior knowledge when it comes to men and women, just observations, and personal experience. For instance, I was watching a show the other day about music and music videos particularly rap music. It was a panel of all different types of people discussing the issue. The women were saying how rap music, exploits women and how music videos only degrade women and show them as gold-diggers, and ho's etc.... Not one woman said what really needed to be said. It couldn't be done if there weren't lines and lines of women at every casting call for these videos, trying to get a part. It couldn't be done if these women weren't sleeping with these rappers on the first night hoping to get their rent paid. These women have let themselves be cast in that light. I'm not saying that men have no hand in this but the women are helping to perpetuate these stereotypes. I know what you're thinking.... how did she get from men and women to rap videos? The answer to that is.... I don't know. I just got off on an exit and went 80mph. Back to the main highway. Men and women. Why is it so hard? What are we fighting for? I'm going to tell you. Listen closely. Nothing. That's what we are fighting for. I don't think in the history of the world, has a woman ever been changed by a man or a man been changed by a woman. We are fighting for nothing. We won't ever see eye to eye. At least not in the fundamental sense. We will never be on common ground. We will never make sense to each other. EVER. What we will do is love each other, lust after each other, pursue each other, and make fools of ourselves for each other. We will try to make relationships work, we will try to survive marriage and family, we will try to understand each other, and try to compromise for each other. It's a little like a football game (or my limited version based on my limited understanding of a football game). It's our team against theirs, and every argument is like a run for the end zone. Their team will try to stop us from gaining ground and our team will try to stop theirs. There are almost always fumbles, sometimes painful interceptions, and hopefully a little offensive touching. Every now and then a flag will be thrown (usually white), there is almost always halftime ("we were on a break") and when it's all over we retire back to our respective locker rooms, and wait it out until the next game.
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